Here you will find up-to-date information and forecasts about the weather in our region. No matter if you want to know whether you should take an umbrella with you or if you are planning to spend a day outside - our weather page provides you with precise and detailed weather news to keep you well informed.
The weather today, tuesday, 21. january
Increasingly sunny
The high-altitude current turns to the north and the air masses become drier.
In the course of the day, clouds will tend to thin out starting in the west, leaving room for sunshine.
After early values around zero degrees, temperatures will rise to between 4° and 10°.
Weather in the mountain
The high-altitude current turns to the north and the air masses become drier.
Initially visibility may be locally reduced by clouds. Sunshine will arrive from the west during the day.
Zero-degree mark: 1700
Upper wind: light northeasterly
Sunrise: 07:50
Sunset: 17:04
The next few days
wednesday, 22. january
thursday, 23. january
friday, 24. january
Sun and clouds
The sun will shine at times on Wednesday. The clouds will increase again towards the evening. Thursday will be very cloudy and isolated rainfall is possible. The weather will improve from the west during the evening. Friday will be mostly sunny with a few harmless clouds. Sunny weather also on Saturday. In the evening, cloudiness will tend to increase again.